We have a variety of sizes.


For shoes                            DSC05278    For belts


16 sa drzacem Sheet metal buckles         DSC05797    Roll buckles



They are used for shoes, purses, bags in various sizes.


D rings

They are used for shoes, handbags, bags, in various sizes.


Molten rings

They are used for shoes, purses, bags, in various sizes.



We own them in several sizes and models!

Badges and medals

Making all kinds of pendants with company logo or some other motive, as well as plaques, medals and biker’s badges.

Joints and feder rings

Making all kinds of pendants with company logo or some other motive, as well as plaques, medals and biker’s badges.

Key chains

Making all kinds of pendants with company logo or some other motive, as well as plaques, medals and biker’s badges.


Hackney, anchovies and rivets are widely used, and most often in men’s, women’s and children’s footwear. We own them in several sizes and models!

Wire belt loops

They are used for shoes, purses, bags, in various sizes.